Articles from Policy & Internet

Uncovering the structure of online child exploitation networks

Despite large investments of law enforcement resources, online child exploitation is nowhere near under control, and while there are numerous technological products to aid this, they still require substantial human intervention …

Papers on Policy, Activism, Government and Representation: New Issue of Policy and Internet

Investigating the relationship between Internet-based applications and data and the policy process …

UK teenagers without the Internet are ‘educationally disadvantaged’

The researchers’ interviews with teenagers reveal that they felt shut out of their peer group socially and also disadvantaged in their studies as so much of the college or school work set for them to do at home required online research or preparation …

Searching for a “Plan B”: young adults’ strategies for finding information about emergency contraception online

While the Internet is a valuable source of information about sexual health for young adults, difficulty in searching and evaluating credibility may prevent them from finding useful information in time …

Understanding low and discontinued Internet use amongst young people in Britain

Why do these people stop using the Internet given its prevalence and value in the lives of the majority of their peers? What difficulties do they face in being unable to connect properly with the online world? …

Preserving the digital record of major natural disasters: the CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive project

The Internet can be hugely useful to coordinate disaster relief efforts, or to help rebuild affected communities …

Slicing digital data: methodological challenges in computational social science

Small changes in individual actions can have large effects at the aggregate level; this opens up the potential for drawing incorrect conclusions about generative mechanisms when only aggregated patterns are analysed …

eHealth: what is needed at the policy level? New special issue from Policy and Internet

Policymakers wishing to promote greater choice and control among health system users should take account of the limits to empowerment as well as barriers to participation …

Young people in transition are particularly at risk of being both socially and digitally excluded

Digital inclusion cannot be addressed without tackling social exclusion, for many of those who are currently not online are also socially excluded …