Policy & Internet (P&I) calls for papers reporting on innovative, high quality research addressing the changing relationship between public policy, the Internet and related technologies. A significant proportion of economic, social and political life now takes place online, bringing new practices, norms and structures, and challenging existing models of policy-making. This shift has major implications for public policy in areas such as working life, the economy, healthcare, transport, development, law and justice, democracy, and security—as well as for citizen-government relations, and how the internet itself is governed. Fully multidisciplinary in scope, Policy & Internet aims to fill a gap in policy knowledge and research by addressing public policy issues in all sectors, and at all levels of government.

Dr Jonathon Hutchinson
Dr Jonathon Hutchinson is the Chair of Discipline of Media and Communications at the University of Sydney. He is a Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council LIEF project The International Digital Policy Observatory, and is also a Chief Investigator on the eSafety Commission Research project,Emerging online safety issues: co-creating social media education with young people.For 2023 and 2024, he holds the prestigious position of President of the Australian and New Zealand Communications Association and is the current Editor in Chief of the Policy & Internet Journal.
Commissioning Editor

Dr Joanne Gray
Dr Joanne Gray is a Lecturer in Digital Cultures in the Discipline of Media and Communications, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. She is an interdisciplinary academic with expertise in digital platform policy and governance. Her research seeks to understand how digital platforms, such as Google/Alphabet and Facebook/Meta, exercise private power and explore relevant policy options.
Managing Editor

Milica Stilinovic
Milica Stilinovic is a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney where she has lectured on media politics and political communication. Her current research focuses on the digitised communication of violence and the language of violent acts through the lens of far-right, white nationalist and white supremacist groups. She is the Managing Editor of Policy and Internet and an author and journalist whose work has appeared in Forbes, TIME, BBC, and other local and international titles.