
If the potential of blockchain-driven management is fully realised, what areas in the public, economic, social, political, technological, and business sectors would benefit most?

The rising popularity of crypto-currencies globally has dramatically increased attention to blockchain technology’s capabilities in advancing peer-to-peer transactions and interactions. Namely, blockchain can promote more agile, cost-effective, and intrinsically data-driven project management practices and decision-making in e-governance. These capabilities are translatable not only to the financial and technological sectors but can also promote more efficient public and corporate sector systems. However, there remains a lack of understanding among practitioners regarding how exactly this digital technology could be fully realised removed from the context of crypto-finances. Furthermore, questions remain in terms of what public and corporate values related to government, business actors and decision-makers could harness in various sectors of the economy as part of the implementation process (e.g. public, corporate, social, political, technological or regulatory ones).  An article I recently published in Policy & Internet, titled “Prospects of Blockchain Governance”, addresses recent developments of blockchain-driven governance in various sectors of the economy. It answers the following questions:  How exactly does blockchain technology work?  How could one illustrate schematically the fundamental principles of its work in a practical way that is easily comprehensible for practitioners and project managers in both corporate and public sectors of the economy? What are the critical features of blockchain-driven project management? Why are they essential for public and corporate decision-makers?  What benefits could the blockchain concept bring to different sectors of the economy?  If the potential of blockchain-driven management is fully realised, what areas in the public, economic, social, political, technological, and business sectors would benefit most? Relying on the analysis of rich empirical data provided by experts in the industry across the globe (i.e. those directly engaged in promoting various related decentralised project management tools for a wide range of public and corporate digital ecosystems), the paper provides insider perspectives on the latest blockchain-driven public and project management advancements. Furthermore, it describes the essence of decentralised data governance, how it is intended to be realised by…

Applying elementary institutional economics to examine what blockchain technologies really do in terms of economic organisation, and what problems this gives rise to.

Bitcoin’s underlying technology, the blockchain, is widely expected to find applications far beyond digital payments. It is celebrated as a “paradigm shift in the very idea of economic organisation”. But the OII’s Professor Vili Lehdonvirta contends that such revolutionary potentials may be undermined by a fundamental paradox that has to do with the governance of the technology. I recently gave a talk at the Alan Turing Institute (ATI) under the title The Problem of Governance in Distributed Ledger Technologies. The starting point of my talk was that it is frequently posited that blockchain technologies will “revolutionise industries that rely on digital record keeping”, such as financial services and government. In the talk I applied elementary institutional economics to examine what blockchain technologies really do in terms of economic organisation, and what problems this gives rise to. In this essay I present an abbreviated version of the argument. Alternatively you can watch a video of the talk below. First, it is necessary to note that there is quite a bit of confusion as to what exactly is meant by a blockchain. When people talk about “the” blockchain, they often refer to the Bitcoin blockchain, an ongoing ledger of transactions started in 2009 and maintained by the approximately 5,000 computers that form the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network. The term blockchain can also be used to refer to other instances or forks of the same technology (“a” blockchain). The term “distributed ledger technology” (DLT) has also gained currency recently as a more general label for related technologies. In each case, I think it is fair to say that the reason that so many people are so excited about blockchain today is not the technical features as such. In terms of performance metrics like transactions per second, existing blockchain technologies are in many ways inferior to more conventional technologies. This is frequently illustrated with the point that the Bitcoin network is limited by design…