
The “IPP2012: Big Data, Big Challenges” conference explores the new research frontiers opened up by big data as well as its limitations

Big data generation and analysis requires expertise and skills which can be a particular challenge to governmental organisations …

Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: Wrap-Up

Making an assessment of the Internet’s impact on politics and policy …

Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: Closing keynote by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

What he sees at stake is power because of the permanent threat of our activities are being watched by others—not necessarily now but possibly even in the future—can result in altering our behaviour today …

Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: Campaigning in the 2010 UK General Election

Drawing attention to the fact that the 2010 UK General Election was dominated not by the Internet but by a very traditional media instead, namely the TV debates of party leaders …

Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: What is our impact on the Internet? Keynote by Arthur Lupia

Have we been as effective as we could have been in changing people’s beliefs and behaviours? …