Policy & Internet Blog Style Guide
The Policy & Internet blog provides an opportunity for published authors to elaborate on their research in ways that speak to policymakers. It illuminates topical areas within policy design, current policy trends within the digital communications spaces, along with technological advancements that may need to be addressed by policymakers in the future.
To be eligible to write a blog piece for Policy & Internet, please consider our guidelines below.
Who can write for the Policy & Internet Blog?
Policy & Internet considers contributions from authors who have published with our journal. We also welcome articles from policymakers currently developing policies relevant to digital technologies. While we value the work of authors who have not yet published with us, along with aspiring academics, we will not be accepting blogs of this nature at this time. We also do not accept press releases or paid promotional materials.
What should articles aim to address?
While your manuscript presents your research on a particular topic, case study, or direction, the blog aims to articulate why your research matters to policymakers. Namely, each blog post should address the important question: How is my research important to policymakers? Alternatively, what elements of my research address the needs or scope of policymakers who are currently tackling an emerging issue?
These questions can be addressed in a three-point approach (addressing three elements of your research that resonate with the needs of policymakers), or as an opinion piece based on directional trends within the digital space.
What is the style of the blog post?
- Policy & Internet accepts blog posts with a word limit of 500-600 words.
- While we do have an on-site editor, we recommend submitting your work in British English.
- Any references to research (including your own) should be live linked throughout the article (we do not publish reference lists on the blog).
- Adopt a conversational tone. Your manuscript was an opportunity to highlight your academic prowess. However, the blog aims to open up a wider conversation with policymakers and academics from alternative fields. As such, we appreciate blog posts written without specialised jargon, in a colloquial tone, aiming to articulate your research to a scholarly diverse and interest-broad audience.
- Keep your headline short and snappy. Aim to articulate the main points of your argument in one sentence.
- Keep your sentences short. Aim for a maximum of 50 words each sentence. It’s even better to split a longer sentence into two.
- Try to get the main points of your argument in the first two paragraphs. Elaborate in the remaining space.
- Respect timeliness. Ask yourself, is your topic hot or cold? Are academics or policymakers discussing your topic at the moment? If not, are there elements which may be relevant to a wider, topical conversation?
Importantly, please note that you are in good hands! The editorial team do not expect to receive pitch perfect drafts and we are here to assist in editing your blog, while maintaining a conversation with you throughout the process. Nonetheless, we do appreciate an adherence to our style guides and criteria for publishing.
Want to write for us?
If you would like to write a blog post for us, please send your inquiries to our Managing Editor: milica.stilinovic@sydney.edu.au